Buying Real Estate in Dubai

Buying real estate in Dubai is a basic process for citizens, residents as well as international real estate buyers and investors. Dubai has restructured and streamlined the buying process for everyone including expatriates and international real estate investors.

Chelsea Properties are knowledge and experienced in buying real estate in Dubai. Chelsea Properties guides clients through every step of the process when looking to buy real estate in Dubai. The professional brokers and real estate agents at Chelsea Properties go beyond closing the real estate purchase. They are able to help with guidance on obtaining a residence visa, questions and answers about tax residency in the UAE, as well as setting up a company structure and opening a bank account.

They are experienced ad knowledge in every aspect of purchasing real estate in Dubai for a home, residence, vacation destination or investment. Chelsea Properties offers Property Management Services, Mortgage Consultancy, as well as a menu of Conciergerie Services including Bit-Coin Real Estate Purchase guidance.


The History of Dubai

Dubai has an amazing history that can be traced back to at least 1095 when it was listed in the book of Geography by Andalusian-Arab geographer Abu Abdullah Al Bakri. Its current day footprint was established as a fishing village in the early 18th Century.

It continued to grow as a key trading hub before the oil era. Its innovative engineering and technical solutions allowed Dubai to become a major exporter of oil. Its offshore oil fields in conjunction with offshore storage and loading facilities allows it to maintain a pristine environment and progressive sustainable development and economic growth.

Luxury living, shopping and a welcoming atmosphere for high-tech, medical and engineering innovators makes Dubai a jewel in 21st Century living. Situated on the Persian Gulf Coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai is not a Nation but the wealthiest of the seven emirates that form the federation of the UAE. It is a constitutional monarchy that has been led by the Al Maktoum Family since 1833.

There are fifty-eight government departments that take responsibility for security, economic policy, education, transportation, immigration, and the judiciary system. The ruling family has embarked on a steady and planned path of inclusiveness, innovation, and progressive modernization on social and economic issues.

The Climate of Dubai

Dubai is classified as a desert climate. The sun shines on Dubai 84% of the time with an average of only 25 days with rain per year. Temperatures range from night lows of 14 °C (57 °F) in January, the coolest month, to daytime highs of 40 °C (104 °F) during August, the hottest month.

Ample energy resources and sustainability programs and innovations in construction allow the buildings, offices, apartments and homes to enjoy steady indoor climate-controlled environments.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Real Estate in Dubai

Who Can Buy Property in Dubai?

Foreign ownership of real estate and property in areas designated as freehold and leasehold is permitted. There is no age limit to own property in Dubai. Foreigners who don’t live in UAE along with expatriate residents may acquire freehold property ownership rights without restriction, usufruct rights, or leasehold rights for 99 years. The Land Department in the Emirate of Dubai issues title deeds.

In an effort to encourage modernization and progress, Dubai has been regularly updating real estate legislation. Chelsea International Properties Brokers, and Agents are experts in updated Dubai Real Estate Legislation and how it affects buyers, sellers, lessees, renters as investors.

Is it Easy To Buy Property In Dubai?

Modernized real estate legislation in Dubai has made it easy to buy property in the emirate regardless of citizen status. Properties can be bought and sold as a freehold or leasehold by foreigners in designated areas. The terms of the property deeds range from 30 years to 99 years depending on the purchasing agreement. The professional knowledgeable real estate experts at Chelsea International Properties are specialists in guiding buyer and sellers in real estate transactions in Dubai. For the real estate portfolio investor in Dubai real estate, Chelsea International Properties has an experienced and diligent property management division which will oversee your investments in Dubai.

Can You live in the Property You buy in Dubai?

Yes. Under the progressive real estate laws enacted by the emirate, foreigners wo purchase property in Dubai may obtain a standard resident visa in the UAE. If you are considering obtaining citizenship in Dubai, property ownership is a mandatory requirement. The minimum value of the owned real estate must be 1 million AED. Doctors and other professionals with in-demand specialties can apply for immigration and be granted citizenship without property ownership. Professionals migrating to Dubai and receiving citizenship may lease apartments or homes without affecting their status.

What is the Process to Buy Property in Dubai?

Buying a residence, vacation home or investment property in Dubai is similar to purchasing in other countries. In fact with the government of Dubai welcoming skilled professionals, investors and workers from around the world it is a streamlined process. Contact and form a relationship with a reputable knowledgeable and professional real estate firm to begin the search for real estate that suits your requirements.

Once a property has been found and the due diligence completed there are four basic steps to completing a real estate purchase in Dubai.

  • Come to terms with a purchase price and enact a Buyer Seller Agreement with the help and guidance of your real estate professional.
  • After reviewing all the provisions of the Buyer/Seller Agreement, sign and notarize the document in accordance with your real estate broker or agent’s instructions.
  • Apply for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) which states eligibility to purchase under the terms, rules, regulations and laws of the Dubai Emirate.
  • Negotiate and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which stipulates which fees and taxes will be paid by the seller and which by the buyer. The MOU should also stipulate the deposit which will be subtracted from the down payment upon the completion of the sale. It should also stipulate if the deposit is non-refundable and under what circumstances. The MUO should also spell out any monetary compensation due the buyer if the seller cannot complete the agreement at the agreed upon time.
  • Set a Closing Date for the transfer of monies to fulfill the purchase agreement and apply for and execute and register a transfer of ownership with the Dubai Land Department.

What Due Diligence is Necessary When Buying a Property or Real Estate in Dubai?

The due diligence when negotiating a property or real estate transaction in Dubai requires the buyer to investigate and verify all claims by the seller. The due diligence process when buying a property or real estate should be guided by professional Dubai real estate agency with experience in real estate transactions in the Emirate.

Due diligence before executing a buyer/seller agreement must include:

  • Obtaining a copy of the title and site plan from the seller. All legalities in both should be reviewed for any discrepancies or false representations about the real estate or property. This includes the buyer’s eligibility to buy, own hold and use the property. It should be free from stipulations and liens from other interested parties. This is an effortless process which requires requesting copies of deeds and site plans from the Dubai Land Department which holds all official records of properties and real estate.
  • The real estate professional assisting in the search for and purchase of the property or real estate in Dubai can assist in this search. Buyers may also wish to engage the assistance of a local attorney to search for and verify that the property is free of restrictions of sale by a court order or mortgage holder. If the seller of the property or real estate is not physically present in Dubai, the Dubai Land Department will request a valid power of attorney to release any information concerning the property. The Dubai Land Department can also help in finding the actual value of the property.

What Documents to Request When Purchasing Real Estate in Dubai?

A professional Dubai Real Estate Agency will not let you overlook essential documents that are needed when purchasing real estate. In order to double check, the following is a list of documents that are needed when purchasing real estate in Dubai.

  • Make sure the seller representing that they are the owner ARE the real owners and have the legal authority to sell the property. Verify the name on the deed and the name on the seller’s identification such as a passport. Match it EXACTLY. Any questions should not be overlooked, close enough is not good enough.
  • The No Objection Certificate (NOC) will verify that the property is free from legal, mortgage, financial liens, or legal tenancy rights that would prevent an unencumbered transfer of deed at sale.
  • Check to see that the Real Estate Broker you are working with is registered with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) in Dubai. The broker must have a valid broker ID card on their person. Ask for a copy for your records ad keep it in a safe place.
  • Make sure all paperwork and approvals related to any financing is in order. Dubai requires that expats can not borrow more than 75% of the property value and only 65% if the property value is Dhs5 million or more.
    The normal deposit exclusive of the mortgage is normally 25% when buying property or real estate in Dubai. Beyond the deposit and the mortgage financing the seller should have funds to cover:
    • Agent Fees – Normally 2% (Verify the amount before closing)
    • Property Transfer Fees - Normally between 1 to 7% of the purchase price. (Verify exact amount before closing)
    • Registration Fees – Normally 1.5% of the purchase price for cash transactions with an additional 0.25% for mortgage financed purchases.
    • Property and real estate transactions may also include a 4% registry tax.
  • o A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon in the Buyer/Seller agreement as well as any additional items discovered during the due diligence process. (Have it reviewed by the Attorney and Real Estate Broker as well as checking it yourself).
    The MOU should include:
    • Property details as detailed in the deed and Site Plan
    • Total purchase price and source of funds, and how and when funds will be transferred.
    • Time frame for closing that includes obtaining all necessary documents and certifications including NOC
    • Penalties or forfeitures each party is entitled to should the transaction not close on time due to buyer or seller fault.
    • The Construction Contract and expressed warranties when buying directly from a developer or their agent.

Does the Buyer Have Rights if Hidden Defects are Discovered when Buying Real Estate from a Developer?

Contractors may be liable to developers for latent defects as the result of construction practices or defective materials. Latent defects which cannot be observed by external inspections are liabilities that the developer must address. New construction contracts spell out expressed warranties, laten defects can fall under implied warranties. The developer is responsible to address defects with contractors. The developer holds the liability for latent defects to the purchaser.

Private buyer/seller transactions may include transfer of developer warranties as per the terms of the sale and MOU.

Can a Non-Resident qualify for a mortgage in Dubai?

The real estate reformation legislation enacted by the Dubai Emirate in 2006 regulates the Land Registration Law. In article (4) of Law number 7 it states who can buy, own and hold property in Dubai. It states that citizens of the UAE and GCC citizens can buy real estate throughout Dubai.

It also states that non-residents and foreigners can buy properties under the terms and conditions of freehold or leasehold ownership in areas that are designated for foreign property ownership by the laws of Dubai. Contact the Dubai real estate specialists at Chelsea International Properties with any questions or concerns about purchasing real estate in Dubai.

Can a Foreigner Rent a Property in Dubai?

Yes. The Government of Dubai allows foreign investors and buyers to rent apartments and villas in Dubai.

If you have any other questions or need more information about buying, selling, leasing or renting real estate in Dubai contact Chelsea International Properties a full-service brokerage  with extensive services to serve buyers, sellers and investors.

For more information about Dubai property or real estate email   or call +971 56 1180555.

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