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An Off-Plan Property in Dubai?
When buying off-plan property directly from a developer in Dubai you get a lot of benefits. Most of the real estate developers have special offers like DLD waiver or free property management.
For the past decade, off-plan apartments in Dubai has become very popular among buyer and investors both local and foreign.
There are several major reasons of increased demand in Dubai’s real estate sector. First of all, off-plan property comes at much lower price than ready property.
Secondly, most of the off-plan properties in Dubai feature special payment plan: you can purchase a property and pay for it in small installments instead of paying the full price upfront.
Finally, considering constant increasing popularity of real estate in Dubai, buying off-plan property is a great investment opportunity with high returns of investments (ROI).
The Best Home in Dubai Hills Estate
Senior Sales Advisor of Metropolitan Premium Properties
Being qualified property experts with years of experience, we realize how confusing Dubai’s off-plan property market could be for new buyers, as well as for professional investors. Especially when there are thousands of off-plan properties in Dubai.
You won’t need to look through countless listings on other the UAE’s property websites. We have gathered all available information about off-plan property in one place and created a short quiz for you to find your perfect home in less than two minutes.
Follow simple steps on the screen to get your personal selection of projects that meet all your requirements. Explore any project in Dubai relevant to you and contact us!
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